Meet our graduating senior, Chloe Evans. We sent each graduate a Q & A to fill out about their time at The Centre and future plans!
How long have you been dancing at The Centre?
*3 years
What are your plans for next year?
I’m planning to attend Freed-Hardeman University to major in nursing in hopes of becoming a neonatal nurse practitioner.
What have you loved about dancing at The Centre?
*I automatically fell in love with the welcoming atmosphere. Everyone at The Centre is so loving and I have made so many good relationships!
Word of Advice or Encouragement to leave with our dancers?
*I would encourage every younger dancer to have fun every time you dance & enjoy it while it lasts!
Favorite Dance Memory
*Being in the Nutcracker & dancing to Christmas music by the tree in the studio.
Why did you start dancing?
*I started dancing at The Centre after I watched their 2016 spring concert. I could tell just by watching that recital that The Centre was a family I wanted to be apart of.
Wishing Chloe the absolute best in her next chapter ?